Further to the announcement in the service yesterday, I am really keen to hear your views about our small groups. I am well aware that I haven’t invested in the small groups as much as I should have done over the past 5 years, but this is the time to make a change.


We are a church where it was a part of our discipleship to be a member of the a small group as this is where we can go deeper than on a Sunday or a Wednesday. It is well known that churches with small groups are churches that grow. I would really encourage everyone to consider being in a small group. The purpose of this survey is to find out what your honest thoughts are on what is currently offered. We want to hear from those who currently attend small groups, but also from those who do not. I am hopeful we might be able to start a few groups at times that work for people. There is also a question about those who cannot commit to attend a small group if you would like to be part of a “prayer network”.


I am recording the replies I receive and if I don’t receive a reply, I will have a chat with you as this will only work if everyone’s views are taken into account.


Therefore, please could I ask you to complete the survey by 27th October at the latest. You can do this either by filling in a form at church and leaving in the office post box, or by following this link: https://christchurch-bushmead.org.uk/small-group-survey-2024


Once the replies are in, I will review these and then we will look at a small group “refresh”. This is not a reshuffle by any means, but it is a chance to lay everything on the table and reset our approach to small groups. As I know there are a number of different names for our groups, when we relaunch, the groups will be called “Life Groups”.


If there is not enough space on the paper or digital form, you can send further comments to lifegroups@christchurch-bushmead.org.uk and these will also be reviewed.


Thank you for taking the time to do this. I believe it will be a worthwhile activity for the life of Christchurch.


Any questions, please let me know.

God bless,